Aikido is a Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba, aka O'Sensei.
It is the result of mixing up of religious beliefs, philosophy and other martial arts.
One of the most popular Aikido practitioners is Steven Seagal, who is a 7th-dan black belt.
O'Sensei defined Aikido as : Atemi and Irimi.
- Irimi:
Iri = to enter,
Mi= inside, like a baby girl in the uterus of her mother.
Iri+mi = Introduce our body "inside" the body of the attacker.
- Atemi:
In the old Budo it meant: To strike the vital points of the adversary to provoke injuries or the death
Nowadays a good definition could be: to dominate the will of the adversary.
The principles of aikido are:
- No resistance: Control and reduce aggressive impulses
- No fighting:: There's no need to fight it goes against the principles of
- No competition: Aikido learners co-operate with the others to improve their fortress and body condition.
- Relaxation: When the breathing makes your body and mind one you can control everything better.
- Flexibility: mental and corporal flexibility is acquired
- Breathing: Is the most important thing to learn, the essence of Aikido.
[Ka : inspiration ] + [ Mi : expiration] = KAMI
Any movement is accompanied by the body center and controlled by respiration.
That's a video I've found where Aikido is played in a real fight, isn't it useful?
This year I've had the chance to know this way of life, and I have to say I thought it was completely stupid at first.
However I've realized lots of things can be done if you put all your strength, flexibilily and mind power together. It's not just about knocking over the adversary (UKE) is about learning all things can be done if you canalize your energy of a correct way.
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