domingo, 2 de enero de 2011


Passion has several meanings: ardent love of affection, intense sexual love, the death of a Christian martyr... But I'm going to focus on a strong enthusiasm for a concept or object.

Music and basketball are my two passions.

When I was younger I used to play the piano and I also played basketball in a team.
But I was a kid and I was stupid and insure.
I was six years old, and all I wanted was going to the park with my friends and play there. Instead, what I did was go to an English academy, take ballet classes and play the piano.
I had very little time for playing with my friends and when I got older it wasn't different.
While my friends were playing in the street I was studying or taking classes.
Some Friday afternoons I were invited to a birthday party (or to a party in someone's house) but, I couldn't go because I had my piano lessons.
I got bored with this routine and I decided not to take more piano lessons anymore, I had to decide between piano and basketball and I choose the orange ball sport.
Two years ago my basketball team split up, our coach had an illness and we decided not to continue without him.

Now, I realized how stupid I was.

The piano is the mother of all the instruments, it's very versatile and warm.
I found two marvellous piano players, and I want you to know them, it is worth the time you spend listening to their fingers running up and down the black and white keys of the son of the clavichord.

If I could see you again (First Love) - Yiruma 
Mozart Sonata in B flat Major, K.333, 3rd Movement- Lang Lang

My other passion, basketball, I don't have to introduce it to you. The only thing that makes me feel proud of my country (no offence) is our basketball team!
Go, Roja, Go!!

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